Innovative PDT Blue Light Treatment 

Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) uses Levulan Kerastick + BLU-U® light to kill skin cancer and other abnormal cells.

PDT Blue Light Treatment

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is an advanced solution that addresses both cancerous and precancerous skin growths. These growths include moles, keratoses, and various other skin lesions. PDT uses a special solution known as a photosensitizing agent. This is a medication that becomes activated when targeted with specific blue light energy.

PDT Treatment process

During the PDT treatment, a photosensitizing agent will be applied to the cancerous growth. Then, the area is targeted with blue light energy. This activates the medication to target and kill the cancerous and precancerous cells.

PDT Treatment Results

Side effects from PDT Blue Light Treatment usually include temporary flushing and darkening of spots, followed by a sunburn-like appearance and skin sensitivity for a few days. The most important thing is to stay out of the sun following Photodynamic Therapy.

What makes BLU-U light the superior PDT Treatment

PDT BLU-U Light Therapy in Ellicott City MD


You have questions. wE have answers.

Learn more about our Levulan BLU-U® Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) treatment. 

What is Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)?

PDT is the use of light-activated drugs to treat areas of diseased tissues. When the light of a particular wavelength and intensity is applied, the drug undergoes a chemical reaction that results in a therapeutic effect.

What is Levulan BLU-U® Photodynamic Therapy?

Blue Light (BLU-U®) is combined with the topical medication, Levulan to treat precancerous sun spots. The Levulan (5-aminolevulinic acid) medication is applied to the area and activated with the BLU-U® blue light.

Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) also has the unique ability to reduce oil glands, effectively treating stubborn acne and improving the appearance of some acne scars.

How safe is Photodynamic Therapy with blue light?

The Photodynamic Therapy with BLU-U® is very safe. The blue-violet light penetrates just deep enough into the tissue to target acne, sun spots, and pre-cancerous skin cells. The treatment doe not contain radiation and does not damage the skin itself. There is zero risk of causing cancer.

Where can I find Photodynamic Therapy Treatment Near Me?

Dr. G Dermatology is an exclusive service provider of PDT in Ellicott City, MD. Our Photodynamic Therapy with BLU-U® is available in Howard County. Each PDT treatment is conducted by Board Certified Dermatologist, Anita Henderson, MD. To learn more, please call 410-696-3605.

PDT in Ellicott City, MD

BLU-U is the only Photodynamic Therapy that is FDA-approved for use on the upper extremities.

Safe & Effective

FDA-approved safe and effective treatment for eliminating cancerous and precancerous growths.

Minimal Downtime

No recovery period necessary with minimal side effects and downtime required post-treatment.

Insurance We Accept

Dr. G Dermatology accepts all major insurance companies. Contact us with any questions.

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